
Here you'll find stuff I'm interested in - maybe just for the moment, but probably more durably so. For those of you who don't know, the embedded YouTube videos play best if you click in the lower left of the window, then click there again to pause the video while it loads. It's best to wait ‘til the red line fills up all the way, but at least let it get about a half an inch past the play head before you click play again. Please comment - it's the only way I can tell you care :)

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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Little History

I think my blog here might turn into "what I found on YouTube today."

Yesterday I found this interesting interview with a formative influence from my late teens:

I guess in the intervening years since I saw Psychic TV perform in Detroit and subsequently became less interested in them - which is something that used to happen to me when I would finally get to see performers that I'd anxiously waited years to see - this Genesis P-Orridge guy went and got a partial sex change operation. This is evidenced more exlicitly at the end of this video:

It's in Castilian Spanish (I think), which will make it hard even for those who speak American Spanish to understand, but the images combine to create a pretty great rapid-fire history of GPO's career in various projects over the last 30ish years.

The "subsequently became less interested in them" phenomenon I mention above has, fortunately, not been happening so much recently, and has even started to go in reverse in some cases. I hadn't really heard much BECK at all until I saw him do an acoustic show at the Michigan Theater a few years ago and I've been an avid fan ever since. I also started to listen to THE PILLOWS even more fervently in the wake of seeing them play at Anime Central in Chicago about a year and a half ago.

Anyway, the Cornelius video way down at the bottom of the scroll bar is back up (not that anyone noticed it was down) and it's awesome, especially if you're into experimental manga.

More to come...


Blogger Lisa said...

Hey. If we comment back and forth on a blog, it could be like the shared diaries we used to have.

11:39 PM  

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