
Here you'll find stuff I'm interested in - maybe just for the moment, but probably more durably so. For those of you who don't know, the embedded YouTube videos play best if you click in the lower left of the window, then click there again to pause the video while it loads. It's best to wait ‘til the red line fills up all the way, but at least let it get about a half an inch past the play head before you click play again. Please comment - it's the only way I can tell you care :)

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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Friday, March 09, 2007


Even though Baudrillard is dead, at least Slavoj Zizek is still alive.

This guy makes me LOL.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Upsetting in so many ways

The video below I discovered searching on "deleuze" over at youtube.

It's not for the squeamish, as it depicts the construction of an art piece (insert negative value judgement) that involves "needle play" as they appear to call it in S&M/B&D (BS is what I call it) circles.

It reminds me of a joke my dad used to tell me when I was a kid about a man who, when asked why he was hitting himself with a hammer, stopped, breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied, "because it feels so good when I stop."

I'm no world-class expert on Gilles Deleuze, but I don't feel this has much to do with his work.

Baudrillard is dead. Long live Baudrillard.

From NPR:

"Controversial French philosopher and social critic Jean Baudrillard died Wednesday [3/7/2007]."

He was 77 years old.

For more about him go here.

I feel sad when people die, especially people that I feel close to in whatever way.

It's hard to write that in a way that doesn't just look stupid.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

someone spent a bunch of time making this

In a way it is very stupid, but I like the efforts at English captions for the pics.

English truly is the international language.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One for Lisa

A video with movie scenes:

And a traditional "music video":
