
Here you'll find stuff I'm interested in - maybe just for the moment, but probably more durably so. For those of you who don't know, the embedded YouTube videos play best if you click in the lower left of the window, then click there again to pause the video while it loads. It's best to wait ‘til the red line fills up all the way, but at least let it get about a half an inch past the play head before you click play again. Please comment - it's the only way I can tell you care :)

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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Andy and I at Red Rocks

Andy and I went out to Red Rocks yesterday.

This is a great shot of us - I thought it looked very Antonioni with us facing away from the camera and away from each other and all. I dodged in our faces and replaced the sky too. Scroll down for the original.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Chris's New Model

It's an SD Blaze Zaku Phantom.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I have to do this

I feel compelled.

It's just the truth.

Plus it's a good piece of "crying media."

This is leadership. These people are leaders. There is no "lesser of two evils" thinking in this song/speech. Of course it overlooks negative things in our country's history, but "there has never been anything false about hope."

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Sometimes simple things are significant

My favorite part is where spectators start applauding 2 minutes in. Made me cry. I love it when groups of people show that they are experiencing positive feelings together in public.