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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another Political Entry

I was reading this and its attendant comments section, and found it somewhat heartening that some people really do get the awful, misguided nature of this latest episode of Bush Administration stupidity known as the "troop surge."

It just sucks that soldiers - who are actual humans, after all - get used as pawns in a political game over and over again in this.

It also sucks that there is even one single person in the US who is so uneducated that they are able to write this:

"Personally, I believe the US is in Iraq for two reasons: 1. to make the point that we CAN and WILL take down nations uniting with our enemies, and 2. to provide a landing and unloading zone for an eventual push against Iran - the real evil."

I feel like I cound incredulously re-quote each phrase from the above quote and follow them with an exasperated mixture of question marks and exclamation points.

How can one even begin to set someone (and there are many such "someones," I'm afraid) so deluded on the path to knowledge and understanding?

At least I can feel comforted by the fact that I'm preaching to an understanding choir here.

Thanks be to God for the understanding choir. Maybe we'll inherit the earth together someday. Maybe it's already happening.


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