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Friday, February 16, 2007

The Edwards' campaign bloggers

Well now that political bloggers are finally getting the attention of the MainStream Media (or MSM as they call it) they're all annoyed that the MSM has ended up (or been manipulated into) focusing on their foul-fingered attempts at humorous venting of spleen.

The progressives cry shame on the MSM who let neo-con bloggers get away with "far worse" but pick on them for using some offensive language.

Cry me a river, guys and gals. I feel like taking a swim today.

Please realize that being a progressive blogger does not mean that you are sitting at home or in a bar doing shots or drinking martinis or chugging beers with your buddies and swearing a blue streak about how much you hate this that or the other thing that conservatives feel very strongly about defending.

Why do I have to tell you that they will throw that stuff right back in your face and it will make your face look really bad to anyone who looks at you for a long time after? You know that they are bullies and jerks right? You know that many of them make a living by being very good bullies and jerks right?

Do you think that they are not going to bully you if you just tape a big ol' sign to your chest that says "bully me" by using language that every 4 year old knows is nasty and naughty. The neo-cons and their media shills usually have to make stuff up to smear people, but you guys and gals just hand them stuff on a silver platter.

If you think I'm going to ask you to "censor" yourselves or "constrain your freedom of speech" then you need to think twice.

I am pleading with you to work on elevating political discourse in this country by getting your keyboard out of the gutter.

This goes for all the commenters too.

Go make assinine comments that you think are clever over on YouTube if you need an outlet for that. The hater community thrives there.

Rage and cry with your friends on the weekend at home or in bars.

Then when you sit down to type on your blog:


Have you ever seen REPO MAN on regular cable? They say M-er F-er so many times in that movie, and when they redubbed it for broadcast they made it a better movie.

Guess how...

With genuine creativity they changed that nasty expletive to "Melon Farmer." You know that everyone watching who needed to know knew what the "censors" had done, and I hope you know that saying "melon farmer" a whole bunch of times makes for some serious hilarity.

So figure it out and start being creative and intelligent with your anger instead of just stupid.

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